Christian Education
Instills godly values into the lives of children, so they may impact their families, churches, schools and communities for God’s glory
Covenant Community Ambassadors
CCA goes door -to-door and ask residents in the community to complete a three-question survey. This gives us a targeted approach to reaching the un-churched and allows us to minister to them.
Destiny Dance Ministry
The Destiny Dancers lead the people of God into His transforming presence through choreographed praise and worship dance
Follow- Up Ministry
The Follow-up Ministry serves to help new believers establish a firm foundation in the faith.
Maintenance and Logistics Ministry
Provides services required to keep our facilities clean and operating effectively and efficiently
Media Ministry
Provides audio reinforcement, video/visual presentation and multi-media production for CCC’s services
New Members Administration Ministry
Provides assistance to the New Members Class instructor and participants.
Parking Lot Ministry
Maintains order and direct traffic in CCC’s parking lot
Security Ministry
Ministry workers detect, deter and protect CCC’s members and guests, and their property, from all written, verbal and physical threats.
Seniors Ministry
Provides assistance and services and fellowship among our senior members.
Social Events/ Hospitality Ministry
The ministry serves to strategically coordinate social and hospitable events.
Teenz After God (TAG) Ministry
The Teenz Ministry plans and coordinates teen events and prepare teens to engage to engage with other ministries.
Ushers Ministry
Ushers help CCC’s members and guest feel welcomed by assisting them with finding comfortable seating and maintaining order in the service.
Visitors Ministry
The Visitors Ministry serves to make each visitor feel welcomed, through contact and care.
Welcome Ministry
Provide the warmest atmosphere possible as welcome, serve and assist members and visitors entering the sanctuary, making all feel like they are a part of our CCC family